Bird view of the BAWA building

17th March 2025


Notice is hearby given that the annual general meeting of the BAWA Healthcare and Leisure will be held in ROOM 4 at 5.30pm on Monday 31st March 2025, in accordance with rule 10 of the constitution of BAWA for the purpose of:

  1. Receiving the Chairman's Report
  2. Receiving and Adopting the Accounts for 2024
  3. Election of Trustees in Rotation
  4. Appointment of Accounts Assurance Reviewers

The attention of members is drawn to RULE 10.2

  • BAWA Members will be allowed to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting on application to BAWA up to a limit of 300.  Invitations shall be issued to applications endeavouring to ensure representation from all areas.
  • Voting of non Constituent Company Members will be restricted to matters directly affecting the Leisure Centre.
  • All Officers of BAWA shall have the right to attend and invite guests.

Please would all representatives, members and guests attending please note that the doors will close promptly at 5.45pm and that invitations and current membership cards will be required for attendance to the meeting.

Copies of the latest constitution are available for the administration office at BAWA.

Alex Clark